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The basics of special procedures


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Find out about the Special Procedures, the independent human rights experts tasked by the UN to investigate and report on human rights situations around the world.

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Special Procedures in Action

Below you can find three human rights violations addressed through special procedures.

Enforced Disappearance

Enforced disappearance is a grave human rights violation involving the secret abduction or imprisonment of individuals by a state or its agents, with the state subsequently denying knowledge of the person's fate or whereabouts. This leaves the disappeared persons outside the protection of the law, causing severe anguish for their families and communities. Special Procedures of the United Nations, particularly the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, play a pivotal role in protecting against such violations. They do this by investigating individual cases reported to them, exerting pressure on governments to fulfill their obligations under international law, and raising global awareness about the issue. Through their monitoring, reporting, and advisory functions, these Special Procedures contribute to transparency and accountability, encouraging states to take preventive measures, conduct thorough investigations, and provide redress and justice for victims of enforced disappearances and their families. By highlighting specific cases and patterns, these bodies not only increase scrutiny on offending states but also assist in shaping international norms and policies to prevent enforced disappearances.

The Killing of Environmentalists

Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council play a vital role in combating the killing of environmentalists. These independent experts, including Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups, focus on investigating, monitoring, and reporting on instances where environmental defenders are threatened or killed. They achieve this by collecting and analyzing data on attacks against environmentalists, engaging with governments to hold them accountable, and advocating for better protection measures. Through their investigations, they bring international attention to the specific risks faced by environmental activists, often in regions where natural resource exploitation leads to conflict. By publicly reporting these findings, they raise global awareness and exert pressure on governments and corporations to respect the rights of environmental defenders. Their recommendations often include calls for stronger legal frameworks and enforcement mechanisms to protect environmentalists from violence and persecution. In doing so, Special Procedures contribute significantly to highlighting the critical role of environmentalists in promoting sustainable development and environmental protection while advocating for their safety and rights.

Protecting against abuses of the LGBTQ+ people

Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council play a crucial role in protecting against abuses of LGBTQ+ people through various means. Below are just two examples:

Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups are tasked with investigating abuses against LGBTQ+ individuals. They collect data, document cases of discrimination and violence, and produce detailed reports. For example, the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity monitors and addresses violence and discrimination against LGBTQ+ people worldwide. This expert's reports often include country-specific situations where LGBTQ+ individuals face systemic abuse, offering a comprehensive overview that can be used to pressure governments and international organizations to take action.

Special Procedures experts use their platforms to advocate for the rights of LGBTI people. They issue public statements condemning abuses and make targeted recommendations to states and other actors. A notable instance is the role played by Special Procedures in advocating for the decriminalization of homosexuality. Their recommendations and advocacy efforts have contributed to a global shift towards recognizing the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, with some countries changing their laws and policies in response to these international pressures. The UN has also worked to spotlight the advancement of the furthering of LGBTQ+ rights.

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