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The universal danger of ignoring human rights violations


84 Questions Answered

Universal Human Rights

Let’s Begin…

In Syria, almost every conceivable atrocity has been committed in the last few years, says UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein. Al Hussein joins Judy Woodruff to discuss the U.S. role in the destruction of Raqqa, the investigation into a suspected chemical weapons attack by the Assad regime, as well as the “horrific” conflict and humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Watch the video and finish the Think section to complete the lesson.

About Universal Human Rights

In 1948 the United Nations issued a Universal Declaration of Human Rights that laid out a common standard of fundamental rights to be universally protected. But how much do you know about the rights and freedoms everyone, everywhere - including you - is entitled to? Explore this page to learn more about the history, philosophy and practice of ensuring universal human rights, brought to you in partnership with the Open Society Foundations.

Meet The Creators

  • Video created by PBS NewsHour
  • Lesson Plan created by Cheney Munson

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