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The “myth” of the boiling frog


15,642 Questions Answered

Plan for Zero

Let’s Begin…

Since 1850, global average temperatures have risen by 1 degree Celsius. That may not sound like a lot, but it is. Why? 1 degree is an average. Many places have already gotten much warmer and if average temperatures increase one more degree, the coldest nights in the Arctic might get 10 degrees warmer. So how did we get here? And what can be done? Explore the challenges of net zero emissions.

Watch the video and finish the Think section to complete the lesson.

About Plan for Zero

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face today, and the stakes could not be higher. To avoid the worst effects of a warming world - which will be catastrophic - humans need to stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. TED-Ed created a video series which provides a plan to meet those goals, based on an urgent, authoritative book by Bill Gates, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. Avoiding a climate disaster won’t be easy, but it’s possible. Learn more »

Meet The Creators

  • Video created by TED-Ed
  • Lesson Plan created by TED Ed

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